How painfully pleasing the fond recollection
Of youthful connection and innocent joy,
While blessed with parental advice and affection,
Surrounded with mercy and peace from on high.
I still view the chairs of my father and mother,
Their offspring as seated and ranged on each hand,
And the richest of books, which excels ev’ry other,
The family Bible that lay on the stand.


The old-fashioned Bible, the dear blessed Bible!
The family Bible that lay on the stand.

My parents, though dear, are safe landed in glory,
Escaped to the mansion of heavenly rest,
Where seraphs and angels repeat the glad story
Of Jesus’ great mercy to sinners confessed.
They range the bless’d fields on the banks of the river,
Surveying the breadth of Immanuel’s land;
And they love Him and praise Him forever and ever,
The family Bible that lay on the stand.


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