Burst, ye emerald gates, and bring
To my raptured vision
All th’ecstatic joys that spring
’Round the bright Elysian.
Lo, we lift our longing eyes,
Burst, ye intervening skies,
Sun of righteousness, arise;
Ope the gates of Paradise.

Floods of everlasting light
Freely flash before Him;
Myriads, with supreme delight,
Instantly adore Him.
Angel trumps resound His fame,
Lutes of lucid gold proclaim
All the music of His name;
Heaven echoing the theme.

Four-and-twenty elders rise
From their princely station;
Shout His glorious victories,
Sing the great salvation;
Cast their crowns before His throne,
Cry in reverential tone,
“Glory give to God alone,
Holy, holy, holy One!”

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